Saturday, February 28, 2009
Friday, February 13, 2009
Monday, February 9, 2009
* Jessica Gallup*
The fall after we graduated, I was off-track and got a full-time job at the Melaleuca Call Center, to obviously try and earn some much needed money for college. At the time, I will be honest, I was anti-man. My definition being- I was sick of all the crazy, silly college boys that I had, had no luck with and had decided for "sure" I was going to serve a mission the following year. You see, growing up, I had always wanted to serve a mission to some foreign, exotic country- the men in my life had just secured my decision in one tight knot, or so I thought. But it seems we all end up falling victim to serendipity.
I met Travis, at no other than Melaleuca, and we immediately became wonderful friends. Such good friends in fact, he eventually stopped seeing the girl he was dating… to soon become my boyfriend… than fiancĂ©….and finally, best of all, my eternal, best friend…a.k.a my husband. Don't worry, it didn't happen as fast as it seems! We were married in April 2006. We both decided to start BYU-Idaho's "Fast-Grad" program…which for those of you who don't know…means you go to school-year-round till you graduate. My second, to last semester, fall 2007, we found out we were expecting. So yes, I was able to graduate from college in April 2008, six months pregnant. And don't worry, with my gown on, you couldn't even tell! I graduated with my Bachelor of Science in Communications with emphasis in PR/Advertising, and a cluster in Psychology and Chinese. Two clusters, is like one minor…and yes, I do speak basic, Mandarin Chinese. I promise, I am not trying to brag, that's not me, I just thought I would clarify for those of you who may be wondering.
Brielle was born, July 2008, and it was certainly the hardest, but best thing I have ever done! I seriously felt like Wonder Woman! Brielle has truly made our family even more complete! She is 7 months old, and the time passes so quickly. My husband graduated this past December, and we moved to San Antonio, Texas. We really love it here, and are enjoying the warm weather. We hope and plan to stay here for awhile…
I love life, every single breath and moment. I have big dreams, which I still plan to fulfill… I hope to soon start my own, design company, example: wedding announcements, web sites, custom photos, etc. I also plan to someday write a children book series, the ideas are all ready in the making…and many more big dreams-But most importantly, I plan to live life to its fullest, and just cherish the time I have with my husband, and children and other family members. Because I finally figured out what life was all about! I really hope all is going well for everyone, and I really mean it. And I hope all of you have a wonderful day, and if you don't it's your own darn fault….yes, a high school lesson from Coach Jolley, I will always treasure! Oh, and always feel welcome to check out my blog :)
Monday, February 2, 2009
Kendle Trost

Well after High School I went to ISU's college of Technology. I graduated in December 2005 with my cosmetology license. I also got married