Brittney asked me to post about what's happened since High School, so I'll try not to bore everyone with too many details. After we graduated in May of 2004 I moved to Provo, UT to attend BYU. I began the summer working at the Cannon Center as a hostess and server, and then worked at the Monte L. Bean Life Science Museum as Secretary for the remainder of my time at BYU. I majored in English with an emphasis on Children's Lit., and absolutely loved it. About 7 months after High School graduation I got married to Dan Hannon, who I've known since I was fifteen. We got married in the I.F. Temple on December 18, 2004, and then moved back to Provo, where we both continued school- me at BYU, he at the University of Utah in SLC. I got pregnant with our first little girl, Maylyn, shortly after getting married and gave birth to her three weeks early on September 1, 2004. She's now three years old, opinionated, stubborn, and darling. Since then we've moved six different times, and worked five different jobs. Dan's finished his Masters in Public Administration at the U (and is now working for a private school here in Salt Lake City called Challenger, as a seventh grade teacher), and we added one more child,Tessa, who was born to our little family on April 26, 2007. She'll be two in just a few months, and makes our life one big fun and unexpected adventure.
As for me, I am loving being a stay-at-home Mom with my two little girls, am busy as the 2nd Counselor in our Relief Society Presidency, and am about to start two new classes that will make life even crazier. Despite our busy schedules we're loving life and couldn't be happier!
Sounds like you two have been busy! School and kids and married! Looks like you hit the ground running after Graduation!
Your family is so cute! And I'm with Britt, it does sound like you two have been busy! And all that moving! But I'm happy to see your doing well and you have a beautiful family!
Savannah!! i have missed you! It sounds like you have a wonderful family and I am so happy for you! You deserve the best!
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