Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Amber Tanner

As most of you know I moved to St. George, Utah the summer before our Junior year, but never fully let Rigby go. Not all my good friends anyway. Moving to St. George at that time in my life was one of my hardest struggles that I've gone through. The school I ended up going to was HUGE compared to Rigby, and apparently I ended up going to the richest and snobbiest school out of the three that are here in St. George. And it was during the boom where all these people from California were moving to St. George, and the housing market was going crazy, so there were tons of new people at the school at all times and not just a few. So since my dad had a job with Skywest Airlines, I was hopping on a plane and flying back to Idaho every other weekend and staying there during school breaks and basicly coming up any chance I got, which is why some of you saw me around often at school hanging out in the seminary classes. I would always come up and stay with Megan Rumsey, so instead of staying at her house doing nothing, I would go to school with her. Which was actually pretty fun, since I was just hanging out all day. Then during my Senior year I got a job at Hollywood Video to give me some spending money through High School, but it also tied me down to St. George, and actually staying here and getting to know the place. Which wasn't a bad thing. It was in May of 2004 that I met my husband. I was friends with his younger sister at school, so she basicly hooked us up. I met him actually 2 days before my 18th birthday and he was almost 22 at the time, so he said he had to wait until I was "legal" to take me out on a date, which I couldn't wait for (even though it was only a few days). So on May 7th we had our first date, then two weeks after that we went out again, and then after that we were unseparateable and got engaged in Aug. 2004 and married in the St. George LDS Temple on November 27th, 2004. Through that summer after High School I just dated Josh, and worked at Hollywood Video and Red Mountain Spa. A few months after getting married I quit those two jobs and worked as a secratary at a place called Mentoring of America. My husband worked there in the sales department at the same time for a few months and then he moved on to be a Sales Representative at Allconnect, where he still currently works, and is a top sales performer. He's amazing at sales, which I never think I could do. After working at Mentoring of America for a year, I moved on to being a Teller at Beehive Credit Union here in St. George. That was my favorite job and a job that I just simply loved. While working there I got pregnant with my first child. Working on my feet all day wasn't the best thing for me during my last months of pregnancy, I was retaining a whole lotta water and was swollen up like crazy. So at 36 weeks I got put on bedrest. But luckily that only lasted a week because by that next Sunday, the doctor took me in and induced me because of my high blood pressure, and signs of Preclamsia. A few hours in and contractions coming hard, I got more bad news. They told me I couldn't have an epidural because my blood platelet count was to low, and that it was to much of a risk and I could have internal bleeding. So here I laid in pain, with no epidurl and knowing they had a high risk doctor on call if needed. But some how I got through it all with no trouble at all and gave birth to my daughter Paige Marie Hammond on August 27th, 2007. She was about 3 weeks early and weighed in at 5lb 12oz and 18 1/2in long and perfectly healthy! She has been so amazing and such an important part of my life! She is currently 16 1/2 months and the cutest and funnest little person around. (of course i'm byist because I'm her mom) But I love her to death. After she was born I decided to be a stay at home mom, which is what I've been doing ever since, and loving every minute of it! Now to get all the nitty gritty details about my daughter and what else we've been up too this last year you can check out my blog at http://www.joshandamberhammond.blogspot.com/


Brittney said...

Wow, I never knew that you had such a crazy delivery! How scary! She probably would have been a pretty big baby had she been full term! I know babies who only weighed 5 lbs and they were orn on their due date! Thanks for updating us on everything you have been up to!!

Savannah said...

Maylyn was 3 weeks early and weighed 5 lbs. 13 oz! Only an ounce difference between her and Paige. Crazy!
No epidural? I've waited until the very last minute to get one on each of my girls, but couldn't make it the whole way. When I know there's a way out, I can't help but take it! Way to be strong! :)

Josh and Amber said...

I dunno about being strong, I didn't have any other choice! lol! And next time(if there is one) maybe you should hold it out the whole way! Everything leading up till the last minute was the worst. The actual delivery for me was easy and not bad at all! So I remember! You just kind of forget the pain! haha!

S said...

It was nice to what you've been up to, Amber. You're little girl is really cute. And how could we be great moms without a delivery horror story. I think you have pain so you love your baby even more. :)