Sunday, October 11, 2009
Happy Halloween
Sunday, September 6, 2009
End of Summer!
This summer has been huge for our class! We've had tons of people get married, had babies, moved and I'm sure a number of other things! I'd like to get updates for people on their babies or weddings! Email us and we can put up cute pics of your news! Also, I just added Tuesdee Briggs' blog so check that out! I hope everyone enjoyed their summer and are excited for what lies ahead! I'm still in denial about all this fall stuff already, so I won't say have a happy fall. Hope to hear from you all soon!
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Kyle T. Ellsworth
Kyle T. Ellsworth
Kyle T. Ellsworth, 23, of Lewisville, died Feb. 4, 2009, in Albuquerque, N.M.
He was born Aug. 29, 1985, in Idaho Falls, to Terry Don Ellsworth and Mary Carol Jardine Ellsworth. He attended schools in Lewisville, Midway Elementary, Rigby Junior High and graduated from Rigby High School. He attended Rocky Mountain College in Billings, Mont., on an academic football scholarship.
He was a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He played basketball and football for Rigby High School and enjoyed hunting and motorcycles. He also enjoyed spending time with his many friends.
He is survived by his parents, Terry and Mary Ellsworth of Lewisville; sisters, Kelsie (Jerome) Hutchinson of Rigby and McKenzie Ellsworth of Lewisville; brothers, Austin Ellsworth, Caleb Ellsworth and Jace Ellsworth, all of Lewisville; grandparents, Oscar and Gwen Ellsworth of Lewisville and Dale (Colleen) Jardine of Arco; and many loving aunts and uncles. He was preceded in death by his grandmother, Lynne Maier.
Funeral services will be held at 11 a.m. Monday, March 30, 2009, at the Lewisville 1st Ward LDS Chapel. The family will visit with friends from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Sunday at Eckersell Memorial Chapel in Rigby, and from 9:30 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. prior to services at the church. Burial will be in Lewisville Cemetery under the direction of Eckersell Memorial Chapel in Rigby. Condolences may be sent to the family online at
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Teisha Welch Hall
** Teisha's blog is posted in the Class Mates list! Check it out!
Monday, March 23, 2009
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Friday, February 13, 2009
Monday, February 9, 2009
* Jessica Gallup*
The fall after we graduated, I was off-track and got a full-time job at the Melaleuca Call Center, to obviously try and earn some much needed money for college. At the time, I will be honest, I was anti-man. My definition being- I was sick of all the crazy, silly college boys that I had, had no luck with and had decided for "sure" I was going to serve a mission the following year. You see, growing up, I had always wanted to serve a mission to some foreign, exotic country- the men in my life had just secured my decision in one tight knot, or so I thought. But it seems we all end up falling victim to serendipity.
I met Travis, at no other than Melaleuca, and we immediately became wonderful friends. Such good friends in fact, he eventually stopped seeing the girl he was dating… to soon become my boyfriend… than fiancĂ©….and finally, best of all, my eternal, best friend…a.k.a my husband. Don't worry, it didn't happen as fast as it seems! We were married in April 2006. We both decided to start BYU-Idaho's "Fast-Grad" program…which for those of you who don't know…means you go to school-year-round till you graduate. My second, to last semester, fall 2007, we found out we were expecting. So yes, I was able to graduate from college in April 2008, six months pregnant. And don't worry, with my gown on, you couldn't even tell! I graduated with my Bachelor of Science in Communications with emphasis in PR/Advertising, and a cluster in Psychology and Chinese. Two clusters, is like one minor…and yes, I do speak basic, Mandarin Chinese. I promise, I am not trying to brag, that's not me, I just thought I would clarify for those of you who may be wondering.
Brielle was born, July 2008, and it was certainly the hardest, but best thing I have ever done! I seriously felt like Wonder Woman! Brielle has truly made our family even more complete! She is 7 months old, and the time passes so quickly. My husband graduated this past December, and we moved to San Antonio, Texas. We really love it here, and are enjoying the warm weather. We hope and plan to stay here for awhile…
I love life, every single breath and moment. I have big dreams, which I still plan to fulfill… I hope to soon start my own, design company, example: wedding announcements, web sites, custom photos, etc. I also plan to someday write a children book series, the ideas are all ready in the making…and many more big dreams-But most importantly, I plan to live life to its fullest, and just cherish the time I have with my husband, and children and other family members. Because I finally figured out what life was all about! I really hope all is going well for everyone, and I really mean it. And I hope all of you have a wonderful day, and if you don't it's your own darn fault….yes, a high school lesson from Coach Jolley, I will always treasure! Oh, and always feel welcome to check out my blog :)
Monday, February 2, 2009
Kendle Trost

Well after High School I went to ISU's college of Technology. I graduated in December 2005 with my cosmetology license. I also got married
Thursday, January 29, 2009
* Chelsey Furniss*

I love this whole blog thing. I am loving finding
out what everyone has been up to the past... FIVE YEARS. (well almost).. Whoa we are getting old. : ). . So I first want to start out saying, no I am not dating anyone right now. Ok glad we got that covered. ha ha jk...Ok well to start, after high school I went straight to BYU-I and started working on my bachelors degree in Health and PE education. I was put on the summer/fall track system. I can just tell you all that I LOVED college. I probably loved it a lil too much. I had the time of my life and really figured out who I was and what my purpose in life was. So I went to 4 years at byuidaho and worked at the fitness center and met some very interesting people. While in college I had the opportunity to travel a lot! Being single has its benefits haha! jk.... My very last semester I was able to student teach in west valley, utah. I taught Aerobics and HEALTH! .. Yep I teach about sex and drugs.. I cannot tell you how much I love teaching. I taught at a high school that was pretty ghetto and a lil scarey. There were a lot of different cultures at this school and lots bigger than rigby high. I had a lot of crazy thing happen and I can't tell you how many times I got asked if I was a student and what class I was suppose to be in. GR! I don't look that young. I can just tell you that students love it when a younger teacher comes to teach. They do ANYTHING to get your attention (especially lil high school boys) haha!
Saturday, January 24, 2009
-Shalene Poulsen-

When I left High School in 10th grade I went traveling with my parents on a job called Historical Collectors Menus. I went to Washington to the Ocean, to Vernal Utah to the Dinosaur Quarry, to Oregon, to Montana.
After a the year came up, my parents health started to plummet. We ended the job and I finished up Seminary. I didn't graduate but I did the best I could to learn about every place we went. I found out I learned more on the traveling then I did in school.
In 2005-06 I got a job at the D.I. in Rexburg. I worked there from October to the end of June. Through the time of working at the D.I. I was saving up money because my father was going through Chemo treatments. He had a tumor between his stomach and spine.
At the end of June I left to go to Utah to be with my parents. My father was in the L.D.S Hospital about to go through radiation treatments. I was the only one in the family that wasn't pregnant or had little children. So I left the D.I and went down to be with them.
My Father was transferred to the Madison Hospital in October of 06 because the L.D.S hospital could do no more for him. I found out later on that they cured the cancer but his liver was failing. He passed away on November 19th 06.
My mother and I could not keep the house, so we had to move to my grandparents house in Ammon. We stayed there until April 07 where I stayed and mom went back to Ammon with her parents. I went to the singles branch there for almost a year and a half. When I met Tim.
Tim is from Montana and has just turned 31 on December 31st lol :D. We dated every day except one for 2 1/2 weeks. On July 26 he asked me to marry him. We were married in the Rexburg Temple on October 11 2008. We currently live in the Gladstone Apartments. Tim is going to School and working at the D.I until school is done. We may be moving but not sure where.
I am currently a stay at home wife. I keep my self busy with sewing, writing, cleaning the apartment, and playing on the computer. I love to be home. I am currently saving up money to go to school so I can finally get my G.E.D "shh, don't tell anyone" ;) So I can get my degree to become a seamstress. I write on the side and have almost finished my first manuscript. We are happy and loving the fact that we are both similar in many ways. Which is what I was looking for. :D
I am currently making a blog, pictures and information to come soon, check my blog.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
*Audra Close*
To start off, I'm happy I'm not in High School anymore. Ever since I moved to southern Idaho, I've always felt out-of-place… lost almost. It takes a certain kind of person to thrive in that area, a kind of person I've never been. A few months after High School ended, I moved to Rexburg to go to school at BYU-Idaho. I wanted to major in Art, but after a while I decided that Art was more enjoyable as a hobby and not a career. I got burned out pretty quick.
About the second semester in, I met Caleb. I refer to him as my knight in shining armor. He prefers to call himself the night in dented old armor. That way, if he ever falls off his high horse it will be more comic instead of tragic. Needless to say, after we met (which is a whole 'nother story in itself) he asked me to marry him. He took me to the Idaho Falls Greenbelt, where the bridge crosses over the water. It was February, and very cold. It was the funniest thing. He was so nervous, and when he got down on his knee and opened the case with the ring, it slid out of its case and almost fell down to the water/ice. We laugh about it now.
We were married August 27, 2005 in the Boise Idaho temple and then moved to northern Idaho. It is the best place for us. There aren’t very many people, just pined mountains and open sky. Caleb works construction and in our spare time we train and put miles/experience on horses. It’s a funny thing. In High School I wouldn't have been caught dead in a pair of cowboy boots. But then again, I didn't have a horse either. My horses name is Lassie and she has a yearling right now that is as tall as she is.
This Christmas my father in law made me a pair of chinks. He's a leather repairman. His specialty is fixing saddles and boots. Up here there's really no need for anything modern. My mother-in-law is a midwife, and I had both my kids at home traditionally. There are no microwaves, everything is cooked by scratch, all the meat is mostly wild game, there's no iPods, cell phones only work occasionally, no videogames, and internet is slower than molasses, because dial up is the only thing that works. The only thing the TV is good for is old cassette tapes that nobody watches anyway.
Jewel was born in November of 2006 and Gideon was born August 2008. I love being a mom. That's another thing I wouldn't have guessed while in High School. I've learned more being a mom than I feel like I've learned the entire time growing up. I've learned how to sew outfits for the kids and make quilts, how to cook from something other than the box or the can, how to speak baby gibberish and everything else that accompanies raising a happy and healthy family.
All in all life is really good. Caleb made a rocking horse for Jewel, and when Gideon gets old enough, he's going to make a rocking bull. Meanwhile, I've discovered a love for painting murals on walls. At my in-laws I painted their bathroom door to look like an outhouse door. (yes, they have an actual outhouse too for when summer comes and there isn't a lot of water) and in our house I've painted a sky on the ceiling and Tuscan Tiles around the built in bookshelf. It's fun fixing up our place. We have a black lab named Sadie who had 7 pups this year. Thank goodness we were able to get rid of them all. The last couple went right before Christmas. We're happy with just one dog. (I can only imagine the grocery bill if we had to feed all 8!) Life is good.
Monday, January 19, 2009
~Marian Peterson~
Currently, I am dating an awesome guy from Salt Lake who's going to BYU in mechanical engineering and LOVES cars. He's a smarty. And pretty cute too.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
New Blogs
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
LIndsey Polatis
I love St George-- the winters are Awesome! The summers are really cookin though. I live by my brother and his wife, and then my little sister Sarah decided to come to school here at Dixie, she moved here in Aug along with her friend Candace. My cousin Brittany lives with me, she is in Nursing Program here at DSC.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Amber Tanner
As most of you know I moved to St. George, Utah the summer before our Junior year, but never fully let Rigby go. Not all my good friends anyway. Moving to St. George at that time in my life was one of my hardest struggles that I've gone through. The school I ended up going to was HUGE compared to Rigby, and apparently I ended up going to the richest and snobbiest school out of the three that are here in St. George. And it was during the boom where all these people from California were moving to St. George, and the housing market was going crazy, so there were tons of new people at the school at all times and not just a few. So since my dad had a job with Skywest Airlines, I was hopping on a plane and flying back to Idaho every other weekend and staying there during school breaks and basicly coming up any chance I got, which is why some of you saw me around often at school hanging out in the seminary classes. I would always come up and stay with Megan Rumsey, so instead of staying at her house doing nothing, I would go to school with her. Which was actually pretty fun, since I was just hanging out all day. Then during my Senior year I got a job at Hollywood Video to give me some spending money through High School, but it also tied me down to St. George, and actually staying here and getting to know the place. Which wasn't a bad thing. It was in May of 2004 that I met my husband. I was friends with his younger sister at school, so she basicly hooked us up. I met him actually 2 days before my 18th birthday and he was almost 22 at the time, so he said he had to wait until I was "legal" to take me out on a date, which I couldn't wait for (even though it was only a few days). So on May 7th we had our first date, then two weeks after that we went out again, and then after that we were unseparateable and got engaged in Aug. 2004 and married in the St. George LDS Temple on November 27th, 2004. Through that summer after High School I just dated Josh, and worked at Hollywood Video and Red Mountain Spa. A few months after getting married I quit those two jobs and worked as a secratary at a place called Mentoring of America. My husband worked there in the sales department at the same time for a few months and then he moved on to be a Sales Representative at Allconnect, where he still currently works, and is a top sales performer. He's amazing at sales, which I never think I could do. After working at Mentoring of America for a year, I moved on to being a Teller at Beehive Credit Union here in St. George. That was my favorite job and a job that I just simply loved. While working there I got pregnant with my first child. Working on my feet all day wasn't the best thing for me during my last months of pregnancy, I was retaining a whole lotta water and was swollen up like crazy. So at 36 weeks I got put on bedrest. But luckily that only lasted a week because by that next Sunday, the doctor took me in and induced me because of my high blood pressure, and signs of Preclamsia. A few hours in and contractions coming hard, I got more bad news. They told me I couldn't have an epidural because my blood platelet count was to low, and that it was to much of a risk and I could have internal bleeding. So here I laid in pain, with no epidurl and knowing they had a high risk doctor on call if needed. But some how I got through it all with no trouble at all and gave birth to my daughter Paige Marie Hammond on August 27th, 2007. She was about 3 weeks early and weighed in at 5lb 12oz and 18 1/2in long and perfectly healthy! She has been so amazing and such an important part of my life! She is currently 16 1/2 months and the cutest and funnest little person around. (of course i'm byist because I'm her mom) But I love her to death. After she was born I decided to be a stay at home mom, which is what I've been doing ever since, and loving every minute of it! Now to get all the nitty gritty details about my daughter and what else we've been up too this last year you can check out my blog at
Monday, January 12, 2009
What's happened since graduation

Saturday, January 10, 2009
Taking a look back in time........
Friday, January 9, 2009
Brittney Hughes & Kevin Jones

Kevin was trying to get a Real Estate License of the ground and I was working at Gold's Gym in

Then it was back to good ol' Utah for us! We spent the winter of '07 and the Spring of '08 in Salt Lake City again. It was here that we had our second little boy, Eyan! Little boys are so much fun, I never get sick of it! In April of 2008 we moved out to New York City to Manage a sells office once more... New York City is crazy. But the people there were so much nicer than Balitmore. We had fun but we definitely missed the good old west!!! I had decided that I was